Saturday, October 2, 2010

Headed to the Bronx!

Last weekend I traveled to the Bronx for an assignment on trauma reporting. We were instructed to write about trauma- any deeply stressful or shocking event or physical injury. I contacted a family friend who works at an ESL center in the South Bronx for ideas. She was able to set me up with an interview with a co-worker who became involved in a domestic violence situation (thank you Mary!!!). I spent pretty much the entire weekend in the Bronx between traveling for the interview on Friday and then returning on Sunday, when I realized that my story coincided with the annual Bride's March, a protest against domestic violence. I had to go! In between, I was able to visit Van Cortland Park, which is one of my favorite spots in the city. Here are some pictures I took- I'l post the story as soon as I get the corrections back from Yvonne. 

 Somehow I found this sign, then got lost for about 2 hours, then found the park!
 It looks so empty without cross-country runners haha!
My afternoon in Van Cortland was perfect! I bought this book for two dollars on the street and an apple at a farmer's market on 149th- Yum! 

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